Thermoplastic moulding

From the initial design to the finished product

Thermoplastic moulding is one of the most common and also one of the most practical methods for processing of plastics
CSP Mould relies on close collaboration with companies who are specialised in the field of thermoplastic moulding and is therefore, more than capable of manufacturing bespoke products that are custom made for any of the industrial sectors that require thermoplastic moulding of parts or completed items.

We are dedicated to the continuous improvement of the methods we use for the production of thermoplastic mouldings in order to satisfy all our customers’ requirements.
The companies with whom we work in the production of thermoplastic moulding are equipped with extremely precise machinery which is capable of manufacturing high quality products at a decidedly competitive price. They use well established processes and cutting edge thermoplastic moulding techniques in order to obtain a product that is custom made down to the last detail.

The companies on whom we depend for this expertise use simulation software and advanced programming in order to capture the exact details of the items which are to be produced through thermoplastic moulding. These tools assist in the optimisation of the thermoplastic moulding in order to supply our customers with a product that is perfectly finished and made exactly in accordance with the specified dimensions.

Contact us to request additional information or an estimate for thermoplastic moulding.

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©2017 CSP mould srl, All rights reserved.
REA 1829710 - Registered Capital: 10.000,00 €

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